[C91] Melodic Taste - 腎弼のシンフォニック・スイ`ト [FLAC]

Sorairo no Symphonic Suite
Catalog Number MTCD-0021
Release Date Dec 29, 2016 C91
Publish Format Doujin/Indie
Media Format CD
Classification Arrangement
Published by Melodic Taste
Composed by ZUN
Arranged by minamo, taste, Aizawa, papos
Original Music by
Arranged by
minamo (01)
taste (02,05,06,07,08)
Aizawa (03)
papos (04,09)
Track origins
01: Greenwich in the Sky (Magical Astronomy)
02: The Wheelchair's Future in Space (Magical Astronomy)
03: Hiroshige No.36 ~ Neo Super-Express (Retrospective 53 minutes)
04: Blue Sea of 53 Minutes (Retrospective 53 minutes)
05: Legend of Aokigahara (Retrospective 53 minutes)
06: The Purest Sky and Sea (Retrospective 53 minutes)
07: G Free (Magical Astronomy)
08: Celestial Wizardry ~ Magical Astronomy (Magical Astronomy)
09: The Far Side of the Moon (Magical Astronomy)
01. 爺腎のグリニッジ [Greenwich in the Sky]
02. 厠徨の隆栖嚴帑 [The Wheelchair's Future in Space]
03. ヒロシゲ 36 催 [Hiroshige No.36 ~ Neo Super-Express]
04. 53 ミニッツの楳い今 [Blue Sea of 53 Minutes]
05. 楳直ヶ圻の師h [Legend of Aokigahara]
06. 恷も確みわたる腎と今 [The Purest Sky and Sea]
07. G Free
08. 寄腎徴g [Celestial Wizardry ~ Magical Astronomy]
09. 鬚海箸淋 [The Far Side of the Moon]
和墮仇峽 https://portal.ctfile.com/info/SNw378336
為業利徒 http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bpve6Hx 戻函鷹f73s |