
2005 - Broken Phantasm
Catalog Number PAEG-0003
Release Date Dec 30, 2005 C69
Publish Format Doujin/Indie
Release Price 1300 JPY
Media Format CD
Classification Arrangement, Vocal
Published by CROW'SCLAW
Composed by NUMBER 201, KATE, James Harris, Raito
Arranged by Taka
Performed by Taka, K.K., Tsucchy
Lyrics by Kinoko Nasu, Keita Haga
01 Opening -Die Lorelei- 0:49
02 Possession 4:24
03 Countdown Zero 4:16
04 Thousand Chain 1:31
05 Vermillion Red 3:29
06 Nrvnqsr:The Number Of The Beast 2:55
07 This Illusion 4:21
08 Rogres 4:22
09 Broken Phantasm 5:22
10 Days 6:05
Disc length 37:34
Released at Comiket 69 (C69)
Recorded at Hangar 18 "Empty-Fortress" in November-December 2005 by Taka
except "Rogres" and "Days" recorded at M507 by Yukawi
Produced by CROW'SCLAW
Mixed and mastered at Hangar 18 "Empty-Fortress" by Taka
Illustrated by Ginka / Engo
Graphic Design by Ginka, Taka
Track origins:
01. Die Lorelei (Fate/hollow ataraxia)
02. Caren's theme (Fate/hollow ataraxia)
03. Ready! (Melty Blood)
04. The End of 1000 Years (Melty Blood)
05. Blood heat! (Melty Blood Act Cadenza)
06. Emergency Occurrence (Melty Blood)
07. This Illusion (Fate/stay night)
08. Feelings that Won't Disappear (Fate/stay night)
09. EMIYA (Fate/stay night)
10. Days (Fate/stay night)
https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qZTlaXI 提取码:isr9
https://u10338817.pipipan.com/fs/10338817-238500363 |