[2007.08.17] Dolls (C72)
[070817 (C72)] Dolls FLAC

Catalog Number ARCD0019
Release Date Aug 17, 2007C72
Publish Format Doujin/Indie
Release Price 1000 JPY
Media Format CD
Classification Arrangement, Vocal, Remix
Published by Alstroemeria Records
Composed by ZUN
Arranged by Masayoshi Minoshima, onoken, Tsukasa, Ryo Ohnuki
Performed by nomico, Misato, Aki Misawa
【Alstroemeria Records】が送るC72新作は東方アレンジフルボーカルアルバムの『Dolls』と東方カーニバル5ライブCDの『Circuit Breakers』!!
『Dolls』はゲストに矢鴇つかさ、onoken、Ryo Ohnuki。ボーカルにnomico、美里、三澤秋を起用。
Alstroemeria Recordsとして最高の楽曲を揃えております!!
また『Circuit Breakers』2007年7月に行われたばかりの東方カーニバル5のライブCDとなっており、ボーナストラックとして同時発売のDollsのインストトラックを収録。
01 Intro
02 Dolls Original: Theme of Dolls
03 Dreaming Original: 少女綺想曲 ~ Dream Battle/東方永夜抄
04 Shinto Shrine Original: 神社/東方怪奇談
05 Eighteen Four Original: 明治十七年の上海アリス/東方紅魔郷
06 Infinite Being Original: 神話幻想 ~ Infinite Being/東方怪奇談
07 Scolded By The Princess Original: (稲田姫様に叱られるから/東方風神録)
08 The Last Judgement (Tsukasa Bootleg Remix) Original: The Last Judgement/東方怪奇談
09 Eighteen Four (Spray Remix) Original: 明治十七年の上海アリス/東方紅魔郷
10 Bad Apple!! (Graph Tech Remix) Original: Bad Apple!!/東方幻想郷
Tohou Full Vocal Arrange Album.
Illustration By It”umi Sakurazawa (CHRONOLOG)
All Music Composed By Masayoshi Minoshima (Alstroemeria Records)
Vocals nomico (Tracks 3, 6, 8, 10), Misato (美里, 2, 5, 9), Aki Misawa (4, 7)
Lyrics Haruka / Aki Misawa
Design By Tomoyuki ‘tats’ Arima (REDRAW)
Guitar & Manipulating By bugs (Ryo Ohnuki & Yu Ohnuki)
Tr.4 & 5 Mixed By onoken (axsword)
Tr.4 Piano & Orchestration Supported By onoken (axsword)
Tr.8 Remixed By Tsukasa (Sound Online)
Tr.9 & 10 Remixed By Ryo Ohnuki (DFR, bugs)
Track Origins:
1. Intro (original track)
2. Dolls (original track)
3. Maiden's Capriccio ~ Dream Battle / Imperishable Night
4. Shinto Shrine / Mystic Square
5. Shanghai Alice of Meiji 17 / The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
6. Legendary Illusion ~ Infinite Being / Mystic Square
7. Because Princess Inada Is Scolding Me / Mountain of Faith
8. The Last Judgement / Mystic Square
9. Shanghai Alice of Meiji 17 / The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
10. Bad Apple!! /Lotus Land Story
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