Catalog Number PCCG-01806
Release Date Aug 21, 2019
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 1350 JPY
Media Format CD
Classification Vocal
Published by Pony Canyon
Performed by Masayoshi Oishi
"Rakuen Toshi" - TV Anime "COP CRAFT" Opening Theme
Masayoshi Ohishi to release new single which will be his first double anime tie-up release. Features TV anime "Cop Craft" intro theme "Rakuen Toshi" and anime "Monster Strike " new series' main theme song and an insert song, "Hero" and "Departure".
オーイシマサヨシ、初のアニメダブルタイアップシングル発売! TVアニメ「コップクラフト」OPテーマ「楽園都市」、アニメ「モンスターストライク」~ノア 方舟の救世主~ 主題歌「Hero」、さらにアニメ「モンスターストライク」~ノア 方舟の救世主~ 挿入歌「Departure」を収録。