[120811 (C82)] Gensou Raving! FLAC+Scans
(C82) 音召缶 — Gensou Raving! (東方) [OMK-19] (flac+scans)

Gensou Raving!
Catalog Number OMK-19
Release Date Aug 11, 2012 C82
Publish Format Doujin/Indie
Release Price 1000 JPY
Media Format CD
Classification Arrangement
Publisher OTOMEKAN
Composer ZUN
Arranger cobalt green, nana, so-fram*c, DJ490, Gren, Thanatos, Monster Audience, MUZIK SERVANT, saqwz, pocotan
音召缶東方アレンジシリーズ久々のUK HARDCORE,HAPPY HARDCORE,GABBA等Raveサウンドインストアレンジオンリー。東方DANCE MUSIC&HARDCOREアレンジの金字塔を打ち出し続けてきた音召缶ならではの、いつ聞いてもハイテンションになれる曲がテンコ盛り!
1 Party Time(原曲:東方紅魔郷 / U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか?) / cobalt green
2 Magic Nightmare(原曲:妖精大戦争 / メイガスナイト) / nana
3 With a bewitching smile..._(原曲:東方妖々夢 / 広有射怪鳥事~Till When?) / so-fram*c
4 your_life(原曲:東方妖々夢 / 幽雅に咲かせ、墨染の桜~Border of Life) / DJ490
5 Rising Moon(原曲:東方永夜抄 / 千年幻想郷 ~ History of the Moon) / Gren
6 Alice in Wonderland (Pool of Tears Remix)(原曲:東方怪綺談 / 不思議の国のアリス) / Thanatos
7 TicTac(原曲:東方紅魔郷 / 月時計~ルナ・ダイアル) / モンスター視聴者A
8 Chi☆Core(原曲:東方紅魔郷 /上海紅茶館~Chinese Teah) / MUZIK SERVANT
9 亡き王女の為のセプテット(saqwz remix)(原曲:東方紅魔郷/亡き王女の為のセプテット) / saqwz
10 Re; Nukleus Hell's Core(原曲:東方地霊殿 / 霊知の太陽信仰~Nuclear Fusion) / MUZIK SERVANT
11 Distorted Heart(原曲:東方地霊殿 / 少女さとり~3rd eye) / pocotan
Comiket 82 release.
Arrangement by
cobalt green (1)
nana [Sevencolors] (2)
so-fram*c [D.S.K Recordz] (3)
DJ490 [SKETCH UP! Recordings] (4)
Gren [PSYCHLONE] (5)
Thanatos [WAS Records] (6)
Monster Audience (7)
saqwz (9)
pocotan (11)
Track origins:
1. Touhou Koumakyou / U.N. Owen was her?
2. Yousei Daisensou / Magus Night
3. Touhou Youyoumu / Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird ~ Till When?
4. Touhou Youyoumu / Bloom nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life
5. Touhou Eiyashou / Gensokyo Millennium ~ History of the Moon
6. Touhou Kaikidan / Alice in Wonderland
7. Touhou Koumakyou / Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial
8. Touhou Koumakyou / Shanghai Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea
9. Touhou Koumakyou / Septette for the Dead Princess
10. Touhou Chireiden / Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion
11. Touhou Chireiden / Satori Maiden ~ 3rd eye
https://url17.ctfile.com/f/10338817-996640957-4de374?p=347297 (访问密码: 347297)
https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qQ_WRH1fBoGJQSLAL0iH0Q?pwd=gu5m 提取码: gu5m |